
Showing posts from March, 2019


It was the sight of Orion’s Belt, shining through the thickness of Dallas’ light pollution that sent my mind spiraling. I was running and it was late. The only sounds in the dim neighborhoods were my shoes hitting the pavement, my rhythmic breathing, and the occasional roll of a passing car or leashed dog with owner.   I thought back to a day a few years ago when my friend Christina took me to her Uncle’s house. She is a long time friend who moved from Dallas to Austin and was in town to visit family. I mentioned I wanted to see her so she invited me to visit her Uncles with her. I had met these Uncles a couple times while accompanying my friend to various affairs and knew they were artists so I was excited to visit their home, which as Christina described was a house-sized exhibit for their art. Her assessment was accurate and as I stared at the various pieces of cartoonish self portraits and shock arts of characters they created I was in awe. We all shared a sa...