
Showing posts from August, 2018

27 minutes with Annie and Bruce

27 minutes with Annie and Bruce:  This was from the final moments of the Grand Mesas Ultra. The full story to come on mine and Jessy's shared blog. Mesa, Trees, Mesa, Trees.... Leaving flowing point to begin the final leg of the 100 miler felt amazing. We breezed through the aide station knowing we were still racing the clock, but felt good about the time we had. The cheers from the volunteers was amazing as in the final gasps of race verses Jessy, everyone was celebrating the victory coming to play. But the mesa had one card left to play, and it laid its final hand with a cruel sneer. Our feet were away from the aide station by 1:05 pm and our race chart stated all we had left was 7 miles. But the mesas cruel sneer lay within the lightly printed asterisk by that figure.  *aide station distances are estimates And so for the next hour and a half we roam through trees and then the trail would break away into meadows and then back into trees and then toward the...