
Showing posts from June, 2017

Mowdy Ranch Mustang Run 50k

Like most everything that had been going on for the majority of the past two weeks, the trip to Mowdy Ranch turned into a great adventure.  I sat on the upward curving middle hump of my Ford Ranger between my girlfriend, Jessy, and her fidgeting, grumpy five year old daughter, Eden. My knees where in my chest with my feet perched on the cup holders below, housing Eden’s half spilt soda, Jessy’s nearly empty water bottle, and my own nearly full coconut water. My stretched IT band and related tendons told me this posture was less than ideal, but being a gatekeeper between a tired momma and her tenacious child was my ideal location for this trip. I would remind myself to periodically sip to try and pre-hydrate, but between my less than ideal sitting location and the consistent wiggles from Eden, that became a harder task. The truck was an extended cap with a little extra room behind the seats and in this little nook, Jessy’s oldest, Aiden, had set up shop. He spend most of th...