I am going to talk a little about running, and a lot about family.
I am going to talk a little about running, and a lot about family. The past few days were an answer to a question I was scared to ask. The ultra running world continues to surprise me. I hear these stories of people completing these Herculean feats of several hour runs, 100 mile distances, days long endurance challenges, and I always wanted to be a part of that community. I craved to push my body to that primal edge of endurance and spirit. I entered into the world and began my training and my stretch to reach these goals. Sure, there were lessons on how dirt feels under foot compared to concrete and gravel. Yes, new hydration methods and strides were adopted. But what was truly shocking was learning that this very lonely and self motivated sport is anything but. Without your team of support and troops of encouragement, the endurance runner crashes into their walls. The heat or hunger or dehydration drains their body while the actions and miles drain t...